getData static method

Future<GeoData?> getData({
  1. String? ip,
  2. String? lang,
  3. List<String> fields = const [],
  4. String? apiKey,

Get geo data from

To query a different than the current IP, specify it using ip. API response is provided in English unless a different language is specified using lang. To receive only specific fields from the API specify them using fields. Finally, if's pro version should be used, specify a valid API key using apiKey. Note that the free version uses HTTP while the pro version uses HTTPS.


static Future<GeoData?> getData({
  String? ip,
  String? lang,
  List<String> fields = const [],
  String? apiKey,
}) async =>
      scheme: apiKey != null ? 'https' : 'http',
      host: apiKey != null ? '' : "",
      path: '/json/${ip ?? ''}',
      queryParameters: {
        if (apiKey != null) 'key': apiKey,
        if (lang != null) 'lang': lang,
        if (fields.isNotEmpty) 'fields': fields.join(',')
    )).then((response) => response.statusCode == 200
        ? GeoData.fromJson(jsonDecode(response.body)
          ..putIfAbsent('query', () => ip)
            'lang': lang,
        : null);