execute method

Future<T> execute([
  1. Duration timeout = const Duration(minutes: 5)

Executes the given function and returns the value, but ensures that only one async function executes at a time. The call defaults to a timeout of 5 minutes.


Future<T> execute([Duration timeout = const Duration(minutes: 5)]) async {
  try {
    if (_completer != null) {
      return _completer!.future;
    } else {
      _completer = Completer<T>();

    final result = await function().timeout(
      onTimeout: () {
        //On timeout complete with an error
        final error = TimeoutException('Timeout of $timeout exceeded.');
        if (!retainFutureErrors) {
          //Clear the completer/error if we're not hanging on to it
          //TODO: verify this happens in all cases
          _completer = null;
        throw error;

    return result;
    // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
  } catch (error, stackTrace) {
    // coverage:ignore-start
    //This is only here for some potential future use cases
    if (retainFutureErrors) {
      _completer!.completeError(error, stackTrace);
      // coverage:ignore-end
    } else {
      _completer = null;
