isExecutable function

FutureOr<bool> isExecutable(
  1. String path, {
  2. bool? isWindows,
  3. FutureOr<FileStat> getStat(
    1. String path
    ) = FileStat.stat,

Returns whether path is considered an executable file on this OS.

May optionally define how to implement getStat or whether to execute based on whether this is the windows platform (isWindows) - if not set it is automatically extracted from dart:io#Platform.

NOTE: On windows this always returns true.


FutureOr<bool> isExecutable(
  String path, {
  bool? isWindows,
  FutureOr<FileStat> Function(String path) getStat = FileStat.stat,
}) {
  // Windows has no concept of executable.
  if (isWindows ?? Platform.isWindows) return true;
  final stat = getStat(path);
  if (stat is FileStat) {
    return _isExecutable(stat);
  return stat.then(_isExecutable);