Invoice su Acquiring SDK

Acquiring SDK allows you to integrate Invoice su Acquiring into mobile applications for iOS, Android, Web, Windows< Linux< MacOS platforms.

Available API Documentation.

SDK Features

  • Making payments (including recurring payments);
  • Creating terminals (including recurring payments);
  • Integration with online checkouts;
  • Payment through the Fast Payment System (SBP) by QR;


Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file:

  Invoice_su: ^1.0.0

Before usage

To get started with the SDK, you'll need:

  • login - seller's account login;
  • apiKey - account api key to work with;
  • terminalId – to start make payments it needs to select one.

These values are issued in your personal account after connecting to Invoice su Acquiring.

SDK allows you to configure operating mode (debug / prod), by default - debug. The SDK also allows you to configure request proxying, by default all requests go to Tinkoff servers.


To configure the operation mode, set the following parameters:

 final InvoiceAcquiring acquiringInstance = InvoiceAcquiring(
    InvoiceAcquiringConfig.credential(login: demoLogin, apiKey: apiDemoKey));


The Example is in the corresponding folder


Является базовым модулем для работы с Invoice Acquiring API. Модуль реализует протокол взаимодействия с сервером и позволяет не осуществлять прямых обращений в API.