search method
The search
method searches for entities that match the given query.
FutureOr<List<StockModel>> search(
StockSearchModel query, {
int? offSet,
int? limit,
}) async {
int defaultBatchSize = limit ?? 100; // Default batch size for fetching data
int currentOffset = offSet ?? 0;
List<StockModel> allResults = [];
//To fetch the totalCount from the first Response
bool flag = true;
//Total count of stock
var totalCount = 0;
do {
Response response;
//Execute the request
try {
response = await executeFuture(
future: () async {
return await
queryParameters: {
'offset': currentOffset,
'limit': defaultBatchSize,
'tenantId': DigitDataModelSingleton().tenantId,
if (query.isDeleted ?? false) 'includeDeleted': query.isDeleted,
data: {
isPlural ? entityNamePlural : entityName:
isPlural ? [query.toMap()] : query.toMap(),
} catch (error) {
break; // Break out of the loop if an error occurs
final responseMap =;
if (responseMap is! Map<String, dynamic>) {
throw InvalidApiResponseException(
data: query.toMap(),
path: searchPath,
response: responseMap,
String key = (isSearchResponsePlural) ? entityNamePlural : entityName;
//Check whether the response contains valid key and totalCount
if (!responseMap.containsKey(key) ||
(flag && !responseMap.containsKey('TotalCount'))) {
throw InvalidApiResponseException(
data: query.toMap(),
path: searchPath,
response: responseMap,
//Fetch the totalCount of records only from the first response
if (flag && responseMap.containsKey('TotalCount')) {
totalCount = responseMap['TotalCount'];
flag = false;
final entityResponse = await responseMap[key];
if (entityResponse is! List) {
throw InvalidApiResponseException(
data: query.toMap(),
path: searchPath,
response: responseMap,
final entityList =
entityResponse.whereType<Map<String, dynamic>>().toList();
List<StockModel> currentBatch;
try {
currentBatch = entityList
.map((e) => MapperContainer.globals.fromMap<StockModel>(e))
} catch (e) {
currentOffset += defaultBatchSize;
totalCount -= defaultBatchSize;
//If remaining record is less than defaultBatchSize, adjust the Batch size
if (totalCount < defaultBatchSize) defaultBatchSize = totalCount;
} while (totalCount > 0);
return allResults;