retrieve method

Map<String, String> retrieve(
  1. String input

Retrieve values from an interpolated string input Use with care since values may contain the same patterns that divide values


Map<String, String> retrieve(String input){
	int index = 0;
	int start = 0;
	Map<String, String> ret = {};
	for(final key in _subs){
		final prefix = _bodySegs[index];
		start +=  prefix.length;
		final val = RegExp("(?<=${prefix}).*?(?=${_bodySegs[++index]})")
				   .matchAsPrefix(input, start)?.group(0);
		ret[key] = val ?? (throw FormatException("Corrupted input String"));
		start += val.length;

	//Escape characters are not keys
	return ret..remove("pre")..remove("suf");