initialize method

  1. @override
Future<void> initialize(
  1. String appId, {
  2. String? androidApiKey,
  3. String? iosApiKey,

Function to initialize the Intercom SDK.

First, you'll need to get your Intercom appId. androidApiKey is required if you want to use Intercom in Android. iosApiKey is required if you want to use Intercom in iOS.

You can get these from Intercom settings:

Then, initialize Intercom in main method.


Future<void> initialize(
  String appId, {
  String? androidApiKey,
  String? iosApiKey,
}) async {
  await _channel.invokeMethod('initialize', {
    'appId': appId,
    'androidApiKey': androidApiKey,
    'iosApiKey': iosApiKey,