Interactive Text


This package allows you to interact with your simple text. like dial a phone number which is in the text or opening a web link,

Getting started


final String sampleText = 'Mr. John L.\nweb: \nPh: 2564824154';
final TextStyle textStyle = const TextStyle(color:;
final TextStyle linkStyle = const TextStyle(color:, fontStyle: FontStyle.italic);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return MaterialApp(
    home: Scaffold(
      body: Center(
        child: InteractiveText(
          text: sampleText,
          textStyle: textStyle,
          linkStyle: linkStyle,
          onPhoneClick: (number) { // optional, use this if you want to define custom task on any phone number click
            print('todo: define your custom action on $number');
          onUrlClick: (url) { // optional, use this if you want to define custom task on any url click
            print('todo: define your custom action on $url');

Additional information

Currently this package only support phone number and web links