Intro - InstaDiv is an easy to use server driven UI SaaS that helps you instantly deploy & control your engagement contents like carousel & image banners.
Integration - flutter
- Create an account or sign-in @
- Create a project corresponding to an app.
- Create a new view by clicking on the + tile
- You can select a template, either a carousel or image banner & set attributes as per your requirement and deploy once finalised.
- Copy the view Id that you see after deployment.
- Invoke InstaView with this viewId.
- In-app dialogs will be auto triggered by events.
- Picture-in-picture will be shown on screen views if conditions are met.
- NPS, CSAT and Feedback bottom sheet will be auto triggered by events.
- In-app alerts/announcements will be auto triggered by events.
- constant
- firebase_service
- instadiv
- instadiv_method_channel
- instadiv_platform_interface
- state/alert_json
- state/div_bloc
- state/feedback_json
- state/inapp_json
- state/view_pref
- utils
- widget/carousel_image
- widget/feedback/feedback_flow_widget
- widget/feedback/insta_csat
- widget/feedback/insta_feedback
- widget/feedback/insta_nps
- widget/feedback/model/feedback_copy_texts
- widget/feedback/model/feedback_step
- widget/feedback/model/promoter_type
- widget/feedback/ratingbar/rating_bar
- widget/feedback/ratingbar/rating_bar_indicator
- widget/feedback/ratingbar/score_slider
- widget/feedback/thank_you_widget
- widget/feedback/verbatim_input_widget
- widget/inapp
- widget/insta_alert
- widget/insta_view
- widget/pip/insta_screen
- widget/pip/insta_stories
- widget/pip/pip_view
- widget/pip/story
- widget/pip/storyview/controller/story_controller
- widget/pip/storyview/story_view
- widget/pip/storyview/utils
- widget/pip/storyview/widgets/story_image
- widget/pip/storyview/widgets/story_video
- widget/pip/storyview/widgets/story_view
- widget/simple_image
- widget/simple_image_carousel
- widget/widget_type
- widget/widget_utils