Insert Affiliate Flutter SDK


The Insert Affiliate Flutter SDK is designed for Flutter applications, providing seamless integration with the Insert Affiliate platform.The Insert Affiliate Flutter SDK simplifies affiliate marketing for iOS apps with in-app-purchases, allowing developers to create a seamless user experience for affiliate tracking and monetisation.


  • Unique Device ID: Creates a unique ID to anonymously associate purchases with users for tracking purposes.
  • Affiliate Identifier Management: Set and retrieve the affiliate identifier based on user-specific links.
  • In-App Purchase (IAP) Initialisation: Easily reinitialise in-app purchases with the option to validate using an affiliate identifier.

Getting Started

To get started with the Insert Affiliate Flutter SDK:

  1. Install the SDK via pubspec.yaml
  2. Initialise the SDK in your Main Dart File
  3. Set up in-app purchases (Required)
  4. Set up deep linking (Required)
  5. Use additional features like event tracking based on your app's requirements.


Include the following dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk: <latest_version>
  shared_preferences: <latest_version>
  http: <latest_version>

Run $ flutter pub get in your terminal from the project root to fetch the required packages.

Basic Usage

Import the SDKs

Import the SDK in your Main Dart file:

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk/insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk.dart';

Initialisation in Main.dart

To ensure proper initialisation of the Insert Affiliate Flutter SDK, you should initialise the InsertAffiliateFlutterSDK early in your app's lifecycle, typically within Main.dart.

import 'package:insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk/insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk.dart';

late final InsertAffiliateFlutterSDK insertAffiliateSdk;

void main() async {
  // Ensure Flutter is initialized before running any async code

  // Initialise Insert Affiliate SDK
  insertAffiliateSdk = InsertAffiliateFlutterSDK(
    companyCode: "{{ your_company_code }}",

  • Replace {{ your_company_code }} with the unique company code associated with your Insert Affiliate account. You can find this code in your dashboard under Settings.

In-App Purchase Setup Required

Insert Affiliate requires a Receipt Verification platform to validate in-app purchases. You must choose one of our supported partners:

Option 1: RevenueCat Integration

Code Setup

  1. Install RevenueCat SDK - First, follow the RevenueCat SDK installation to set up in-app purchases and subscriptions.

  2. Modify Initialisation Code - Update the file where you initialise your deep linking (e.g., and RevenueCat to include a call to insertAffiliateSdk.returnInsertAffiliateIdentifier(). This ensures that the Insert Affiliate identifier is passed to RevenueCat every time the app starts or a deep link is clicked.

  3. Implementation Example

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:purchases_flutter/purchases_flutter.dart';
import 'package:insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk/insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk.dart';

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
    void initState() {
    Future<void> _initializeAsyncDependencies() async {
        // Step 1: Initialize RevenueCat
        await _initializeRevenueCat();
        // Step 2: Handle initial affiliate identifier
        // Step 3: Listen for deep links ( example)
        _branchStreamSubscription = FlutterBranchSdk.listSession().listen((data) {
            if (data.containsKey("+clicked_branch_link") && data["+clicked_branch_link"] == true) {
                final referringLink = data["~referring_link"];
                // Handle affiliate identifier after deep link click
        }, onError: (error) {
            print('listSession error: ${error.toString()}');
    void handleAffiliateIdentifier() {
        insertAffiliateSdk.returnInsertAffiliateIdentifier().then((value) {
            if (value != null && value.isNotEmpty) {
                Purchases.logIn(affiliateId); // Log in to RevenueCat with affiliate ID

Webhook Setup

Next, you must setup a webhook to allow us to communicate directly with RevenueCat to track affiliate purchases.

  1. Go to RevenueCat and create a new webhook

  2. Configure the webhook with these settings:

    • Webhook URL:
    • Authorization header: Use the value from your Insert Affiliate dashboard (you'll get this in step 4)
  3. In your Insert Affiliate dashboard settings:

    • Navigate to the verification settings
    • Set the in-app purchase verification method to RevenueCat
  4. Back in your Insert Affiliate dashboard:

    • Locate the RevenueCat Webhook Authentication Header value
    • Copy this value
    • Paste it as the Authorization header value in your RevenueCat webhook configuration

Option 2: Iaptic Integration

First, complete the In App Purchase Flutter Library setup. Then modify your main.dart file:

import 'package:in_app_purchase/in_app_purchase.dart';
import 'package:insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk/insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk.dart';

late final InsertAffiliateFlutterSDK insertAffiliateSdk;

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
    final InAppPurchase _iap = InAppPurchase.instance;
    void initState() {
        _purchaseStream.listen((List<PurchaseDetails> purchaseDetailsList) {
    void _listenToPurchaseUpdated(List<PurchaseDetails> purchaseDetailsList) async {
        for (var purchaseDetails in purchaseDetailsList) {
            if (purchaseDetails.status == PurchaseStatus.purchased) {
                final jsonIapPurchase = {
                    'transactionReceipt': purchaseDetails.verificationData.localVerificationData,
                    'orderId': purchaseDetails.purchaseID,
                    'purchaseToken': purchaseDetails.verificationData.serverVerificationData,
                    'signature': purchaseDetails.verificationData.localVerificationData,
                    'applicationUsername': await insertAffiliateSdk.returnInsertAffiliateIdentifier(),
                final isValid = await insertAffiliateSdk.validatePurchaseWithIapticAPI(
                    "{{ your_iaptic_app_id }}",
                    "{{ your_iaptic_app_name }}",
                    "{{ your_iaptic_public_key }}"
                // Optional: Handle the result of `isValid` if needed

Replace the following:

Step 1: Add the Deep Linking Platform Dependency

In this example, the deep linking functionality is implemented using

Any alternative deep linking platform can be used by passing the referring link to insertAffiliateSdk.setInsertAffiliateIdentifier(data["~referring_link"]); as in the below example

After setting up your Branch integration, add the following code to initialise the Insert Affiliate Flutter SDK.

import 'package:flutter_branch_sdk/flutter_branch_sdk.dart';
import 'package:insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk/insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk.dart';

late final InsertAffiliateFlutterSDK insertAffiliateSdk;

class _MyAppState extends State<MyApp> {
    late StreamSubscription<Map> _branchStreamSubscription;
    void initState() {
        _branchStreamSubscription = FlutterBranchSdk.listSession().listen((data) {
            if (data.containsKey("+clicked_branch_link") && data["+clicked_branch_link"] == true) {
        }, onError: (error) {
            print('Branch session error: ${error.toString()}');

Additional Features

1. Event Tracking (Beta)

The InsertAffiliateFlutter SDK now includes a beta feature for event tracking. Use event tracking to log key user actions such as signups, purchases, or referrals. This is useful for:§

  • Understanding user behaviour.
  • Measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
  • Incentivising affiliates for designated actions being taken by the end users, rather than just in app purchases (i.e. pay an affilaite for each signup).

At this stage, we cannot guarantee that this feature is fully resistant to tampering or manipulation.

Using trackEvent

To track an event, use the trackEvent function. Make sure to set an affiliate identifier first; otherwise, event tracking won’t work. Here’s an example:

import 'package:insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk/insert_affiliate_flutter_sdk.dart';

  onPressed: () {
    insertAffiliateSdk.trackEvent(eventName: "yourEventIdentifier")
      .then((_) => print('Event tracked successfully!'))
      .catchError((error) => print('Error tracking event: $error'));
  child: Text("Track Test Event"),

2. Short Codes (Beta)

What are Short Codes?

Short codes are unique, 10-character alphanumeric identifiers that affiliates can use to promote products or subscriptions. These codes are ideal for influencers or partners, making them easier to share than long URLs.

Example Use Case: An influencer promotes a subscription with the short code "JOIN123456" within their TikTok video's description. When users enter this code within your app during sign-up or before purchase, the app tracks the subscription back to the influencer for commission payouts.

For more information, visit the Insert Affiliate Short Codes Documentation.

late final InsertAffiliateFlutterSDK insertAffiliateSdk;
