InsanichessGame class

Contains all information about the game.

Apart from basic game rules, this class adds information that is usable both to client and server in order to store additional game information.



InsanichessGame({required String id, required InsanichessPlayer whitePlayer, required InsanichessPlayer blackPlayer, required InsanichessTimeControl timeControl})
Constructs a fresh game with initial position.
InsanichessGame.fromICString(String s)
Returns new InsanichessGame object from ICString representation s.
InsanichessGame.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
Creates new InsanichessGame object from json.
InsanichessGame.fromPosition({required String id, required InsanichessPlayer whitePlayer, required InsanichessPlayer blackPlayer, required InsanichessTimeControl timeControl, List<Duration>? timesSpentPerMove, Duration? remainingTimeWhite, Duration? remainingTimeBlack, required Position position, GameHistory? gameHistory})
Constructs a game from given position and gameHistory with option to change remainingTimeWhite and remainingTimeBlack.


blackPlayer InsanichessPlayer
Information for player with black pieces.
blackWon bool
Returns true if the game was won by black.
no setterinherited
board → Board
Returns the current _board.
no setterinherited
canGoBackward bool
Is there a move in the past?
no setterinherited
canGoForward bool
Is there a future move?
no setterinherited
canUndo bool
Is there is a move that can be undone?
no setterinherited
hashCode int
hashCode for InsanichessGame is simply id.hashCode.
no setteroverride
id String
The id of the game.
inProgress bool
Returns true if the game is currently in progress.
no setterinherited
isGameOver bool
Returns whether the game is over or not.
no setterinherited
legalMoves List<Move>
no setterinherited
movesFromFuture List<PlayedMove>
Returns moves that are in the future. That means they were played but player went backward to explore move history.
no setterinherited
movesPlayed List<PlayedMove>
Returns moves played until current position.
no setterinherited
playerOnTurn → PieceColor
Returns the color of the playerOnTurn.
no setterinherited
remainingTimeBlack Duration
Remaining playing time for black.
getter/setter pair
remainingTimeWhite Duration
Remaining playing time for white.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
status → GameStatus
Returns the current status of the game.
no setterinherited
timeControl InsanichessTimeControl
Time control for the game.
timesSpentPerMove List<Duration>
The durations player needed for each move.
whitePlayer InsanichessPlayer
Information for player with white pieces.
whiteWon bool
Returns true if the game was won by white.
no setterinherited


backward() → PlayedMove?
Moves one move backward in the _gameHistory.
blackResigned() → void
Sets the current status to GameStatus.blackResigned.
draw() → void
Sets the current status to GameStatus.draw.
flagged([PieceColor? player]) → void
Sets the current status to GameStatus.whiteFlagged or GameStatus.blackFlagged, depending on who the player is.
forward() → PlayedMove?
Moves one move forward in the _gameHistory.
move(Move m) → PlayedMove?
Performs a move m on the board and updates _gameStatus.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toICString() String
Creates a String representation of a game. This representation contains in each line a pair of moves of white and black player, separated by ' ' character and game metadata at the start.
toJson() Map<String, Object?>
Converts this object to json representation.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
undo() → PlayedMove?
Undoes the last move.
whiteResigned() → void
Sets the current status to GameStatus.whiteResigned.


operator ==(Object? other) bool
Two InsanichessGames are equal if they have the same id.