useListenableSelector<R> function
Rebuild only when there is a change in the selector result.
The following example showcases If no text is entered, you will not be able to press the button.
class Example extends HookWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final listenable = useTextEditingController();
final bool textIsEmpty =
useListenableSelector(listenable, () => listenable.text.isEmpty);
return Column(
children: [
TextField(controller: listenable),
// If no text is entered, the button cannot be pressed
onPressed: textIsEmpty ? null : () => print("Button can be pressed!"),
child: Text("Button")),
R useListenableSelector<R>(
Listenable? listenable,
R Function() selector,
) {
return use(_ListenableSelectorHook(listenable, selector));