
Seemless integration with common Firebase services.

Platform Support

Android iOS MacOS Web Windows Linux
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Getting Started

First, follow the tutorial here to configure you project to use Firebase.

Next, in your main.dart after calling inqvine.registerInqvineServices, call inqvineFirebase.registerInqvineFirebaseServices to register all services in your locator.


*) To use InqvineAuthService.loginWithEmailAndPassword, you will have to enable this auth provider in Firebase.
*) To use InqvineAdminService, you will need to enable cloud_firestore and create a document with a users uid in a collection called admin_users

Inqvine Admin Service Rules

To enable the InqvineAdminService, add the following to your firestore.rules file.

function isAdminUser() {
    return isLoggedIn() && exists(/databases/$(database)/documents/admin_users/$(request.auth.uid));

match /admin_users/{document} {
    allow read: if isAdminUser() || == request.auth.uid;
    allow write: if false;

Inqvine System Service Rules

To enable the InqvineSystemService, add the following to your firestore.rules file.

match /system_status/{document} {
    allow read: if true;
    allow write: if false;

Inqvine Auth Service

*) logout (Disconnect from Firebase and set the current user to null) *) loginWithEmailAndPassword (Authenticate a user using their email and password) *) signUpWithEmailPassword (Create a user using their email and password)

Inqvine Admin Service

*) isAdmin (Whether or not a record for the user exists in the admin_user collection)

Inqvine System Service

*) applicationStatus (The current status of the system) *) downtimeBuilder (A widget builder to build an overlay when the application is offline if your base scaffold is wrapped in InqvineDowntimeOverlay)