Options constructor

  1. String placeholder = '_',
  2. Marker? optionalmarker,
  3. Marker? quantifiermarker,
  4. Marker? groupmarker,
  5. Marker? alternatormarker,
  6. String? escapeChar,
  7. String? mask,
  8. String? regex,
  9. void oncleared(
    1. Object
  10. void oncomplete(
    1. Object
  11. void onincomplete(
    1. Object
  12. int? repeat,
  13. bool greedy = false,
  14. bool autoUnmask = false,
  15. bool removeMaskOnSubmit = false,
  16. bool clearMaskOnLostFocus = true,
  17. bool insertMode = true,
  18. bool? clearIncomplete,
  19. String? alias,
  20. void onKeyDown(
    1. KeyboardEvent event,
    2. String buffer,
    3. int caretPos,
    4. dynamic opts,
  21. String onBeforeMask(
    1. String initialValue,
    2. dynamic opts
  22. String onBeforePaste(
    1. String initialValue,
    2. dynamic opts
  23. dynamic onBeforeWrite(
    1. KeyboardEvent event,
    2. String buffer,
    3. int caretPos,
    4. dynamic opts,
  24. String onUnMask(
    1. String maskedValue,
    2. String unmaskedValue
  25. bool showMaskOnFocus = true,
  26. bool showMaskOnHover = false,
  27. void onKeyValidation(
    1. int key,
    2. dynamic result
  28. bool rightAlign = false,
  29. bool undoOnEscape = true,
  30. String? radixPoint,
  31. String? groupSeparator,
  32. bool? keepStatic,
  33. bool positionCaretOnTab = true,
  34. bool tabThrough = false,
  35. Definitions? definitions,
  36. bool? isComplete(
    1. String buffer,
    2. dynamic opts
  37. dynamic postValidation(
    1. List buffer,
    2. int pos,
    3. dynamic c,
    4. dynamic currentResult,
    5. dynamic opts,
    6. dynamic maskset,
    7. bool strict,
    8. dynamic fromCheckval,
  38. dynamic preValidation(
    1. String buffer,
    2. int pos,
    3. String char,
    4. bool isSelection,
    5. dynamic opts,
    6. dynamic maskset,
    7. int caretPos,
    8. bool strict,
  39. String? staticDefinitionSymbol,
  40. bool nullable = true,
  41. bool noValuePatching = false,
  42. String positionCaretOnClick = 'lvp',
  43. dynamic casing,
  44. String inputmode = 'text',
  45. bool importDataAttributes = true,
  46. bool shiftPositions = true,
  47. bool usePrototypeDefinitions = true,
  48. int validationEventTimeOut = 3000,
  49. dynamic substitutes,
  50. String? prefix,
  51. int? digits,
  52. String disablePredictiveText = 'rtfm',
  53. bool numericInput = false,


external factory Options({
  /// Change the mask placeholder. Default: "_"
  /// Instead of "_", you can change the unfilled characters mask as you like,
  /// simply by adding the placeholder option.
  /// For example, placeholder: " " will change the default
  /// autofill with empty values
  String placeholder = '_',
  /// Definition of the symbols used to indicate an optional part in the mask.
  /// optionalmarker: { start: "[", end: "]" }
  Marker? optionalmarker,
  /// Definition of the symbols used to indicate a quantifier in the mask.
  // quantifiermarker: { start: "{", end: "}" }
  Marker? quantifiermarker,
  /// Definition of the symbols used to indicate a group in the mask.
  /// groupmarker: { start: "(", end: ")" }
  Marker? groupmarker,
  /// Definition of the symbols used to indicate an alternator part in the mask.
  /// alternatormarker: "|"
  Marker? alternatormarker,
  /// Definition of the symbols used to escape a part in the mask.
  /// escapeChar: "\\"
  /// See [escape special mask chars](https://github.com/RobinHerbots/Inputmask#escape-special-mask-chars)
  String? escapeChar,
  /// The mask to use.
  /// ex: 9{*}
  String? mask,
  /// Use a regular expression as a mask
  /// Inputmask( regex: "[0-9]*" ).mask(selector);
  /// When using shorthands be aware that you need to double escape or use String.raw with a string literal.
  /// Inputmask( regex: "\\d*" ).mask(selector);
  /// ~
  /// Inputmask{ regex: '\\d*').mask(selector);
  String? regex,
  /// Execute a function when the mask is cleared.
    void Function(Object)? oncleared,
  /// Execute a function when the mask is completed
    void Function(Object)? oncomplete,
  /// Execute a function when the mask is incomplete. Executes on blur.
    void Function(Object)? onincomplete,
  /// Mask repeat function. Repeat the mask definition x-times.
  int? repeat,
  /// Default: false Toggle to allocate as much possible or the opposite.
  /// Non-greedy repeat function.
  /// With the non-greedy option set to false, you can specify * as repeat.
  /// This makes an endless repeat.
  bool greedy = false,
  /// Automatically unmask the value when retrieved.
  /// When setting this option to true the plugin also expects the initial
  /// value from the server to be unmasked.
  bool autoUnmask = false,
  /// Remove the mask before submitting the form.
  bool removeMaskOnSubmit = false,
  /// Remove the empty mask on blur or when not empty remove
  /// the optional trailing part
  bool clearMaskOnLostFocus = true,
  /// Toggle to insert or overwrite input.
  /// This option can be altered by pressing the Insert key.
    bool insertMode = true,
  // Clear the incomplete input on blur
  bool? clearIncomplete,
  /// With an alias, you can define a complex mask definition and call it by
  /// using an alias name. So this is mainly to simplify the use of
  /// your masks. Some aliases found in the extensions are email, currency,
  /// decimal, integer, date, DateTime, dd/mm/yyyy, etc.
  /// First, you have to create an alias definition. The alias definition
  /// can contain options for the mask, custom definitions,
  /// the mask to use, etc.
  /// When you pass in an alias, the alias is first resolved and then the
  /// other options are applied. So you can call an alias and pass another
  /// mask to be applied over the alias. This also means that you can write
  /// aliases that "inherit" from another alias.
    String? alias,
  /// Callback to implement autocomplete on certain keys for example
  void Function(html.KeyboardEvent event, String buffer,
      int caretPos, dynamic opts)? onKeyDown,
  /// Executes before masking the initial value to allow preprocessing of the initial value.
  String Function(String initialValue, dynamic opts)? onBeforeMask,
  /// This callback allows for preprocessing the pasted value before actually
  /// handling the value for masking. This can be useful for stripping away
  /// some characters before processing.
  /// You can also disable pasting a value by returning false in the
  /// onBeforePaste call.
  /// Default: Calls the onBeforeMask
  String Function(String initialValue, dynamic opts)? onBeforePaste,
  /// Executes before writing to the masked element
  /// Use this to do some extra processing of the input.
  /// This can be useful when implementing an alias, ex. decimal alias,
  /// autofill the digits when leaving the inputfield.
  /// Function return: command object (see [Define custom definitions](https://github.com/RobinHerbots/Inputmask#define-custom-definitions))
  dynamic Function(html.KeyboardEvent event, String buffer,
      int caretPos, dynamic opts)? onBeforeWrite,
  /// Executes after unmasking to allow post-processing of the unmaskedvalue.
  String Function(String maskedValue, String unmaskedValue)? onUnMask,
  /// Shows the mask when the input gets focus.
  /// To make sure no mask is visible on focus also set the showMaskOnHover
  /// to false. Otherwise hovering with the mouse will set the mask and
  /// will stay on focus.
  bool showMaskOnFocus = true,
  // Shows the mask when hovering the mouse. (default = true)
  bool showMaskOnHover = false,
  /// Callback function is executed on every keyvalidation
  /// with the key, result as the parameter.
  void Function(int key, dynamic result)? onKeyValidation,
  /// Align the input to the right
  /// By setting the rightAlign you can specify to right-align an inputmask.
  /// This is only applied in combination op the numericInput option or the dir-attribute. The default is true.
  bool rightAlign = false,
  // Make escape behave like undo. (ctrl-Z)
  // Pressing escape reverts the value to the value before focus.
  bool undoOnEscape = true,
  /// Define the radixpoint (decimal separator)
    String? radixPoint,
  // Define the groupseparator
  String? groupSeparator,
  ///  Use in combination with the alternator syntax Try to keep the mask static while typing. Decisions to alter the mask will be postponed if possible.
  /// typing 1212345123 => should result in +55-12-1234-5123 type extra 4 =>
  /// switch to +55-12-12345-1234
  /// When the option is not set, it will default to false, except for
  /// multiple masks it will default to true!
  bool? keepStatic,
  /// When enabled the caret position is set after the latest
  /// valid position on TAB
  bool positionCaretOnTab = true,
  /// Allows for tabbing through the different parts of the masked field.
  bool tabThrough = false,
  /// Pass custom definitions directly in the options.
  Definitions? definitions,
  /// With this call-in (hook) you can override the default implementation of the isComplete function.
  // Args => buffer, opts Return => true|false
  bool? Function(String buffer, dynamic opts)? isComplete,
  /// Hook to postValidate the result from isValid.
  /// Usefull for validating the entry as a whole.
  /// Return => true|false|command object
  dynamic Function(List buffer, int pos, dynamic c, dynamic currentResult,
      dynamic opts, dynamic maskset, bool strict,
      dynamic fromCheckval)? postValidation,
  /// Hook to preValidate the input. Useful for validating
  /// regardless of the definition.
  /// Return true/false/command object When returning true,
  /// the normal validation kicks in, otherwise, it is skipped.
  /// When returning a command object the actions are executed and further
  /// validation is stopped.
  /// If you want to continue further validation, you need to add the
  /// rewritePosition action.
  dynamic Function(String buffer, int pos, String char,
      bool isSelection, dynamic opts, dynamic maskset,
      int caretPos, bool strict) preValidation,
  /// The staticDefinitionSymbol option is used to indicate that the static
  /// entries in the mask can match a certain definition.
  /// Especially useful with alternators so that the static element in the
  /// mask can match another alternation.
  /// In the example below, we mark the spaces as a possible match for
  /// the "i" definition. By doing so the mask can alternate to the second
  /// mask even when we typed already "12 3".
  String? staticDefinitionSymbol,
  /// Return nothing when the user hasn't entered anything.
  bool nullable = true,
  /// Disable value property patching
  bool noValuePatching = false,
  /// Positioning of the caret on click.
  /// Options:
  /// none
  /// lvp (based on the last valid position (default)
  /// radixFocus (position caret to radixpoint on initial click)
  /// select (select the whole input)
  /// ignore (ignore the click and continue the mask)
  String positionCaretOnClick = 'lvp',
  /// Apply casing at the mask-level.
  /// Options: null, "upper", "lower" or "title" or
  /// callback args => elem, test, pos, validPositions return charValue
  dynamic casing,
  /// Default: "text"
  /// The inputmode hints at the type of data that might be entered by the
  /// user while editing the element or its contents.
  /// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/inputmode
  String inputmode = 'text',
  /// Specify to use the data-inputmask attributes or to ignore them.
  /// If you don't use data attributes you can disable the import by
  /// specifying importDataAttributes: false.
  bool importDataAttributes = true,
  /// Alter the behavior of the char shifting on entry or deletion.
  /// In some cases shifting the mask entries or deletion should be more restrictive.
  /// Ex. date masks. Shifting month to day makes no sense
  /// true = shift on the "def" match
  /// false = shift on the "nativeDef" match
  bool shiftPositions = true,
  /// Use the default defined definitions from the prototype.
  bool usePrototypeDefinitions = true,
  /// Time to show html5 validation error on form submit.
  int validationEventTimeOut = 3000,
  // Define character substitutes.
  // substitutes: {
  //   ",": "."
  // }
  dynamic substitutes,
    String? prefix,
    int? digits,
    String disablePredictiveText = 'rtfm',
  /// Numeric input direction. Keeps the caret at the end.
  bool numericInput = false