continueAsync method

void continueAsync(
  1. double millisecsLimitAsync
An "asnychronous" version of Continue that only partially evaluates the ink, with a budget of a certain time limit. It will exit ink evaluation early if the evaluation isn't complete within the time limit, with the asyncContinueComplete property being false. This is useful if ink evaluation takes a long time, and you want to distribute it over multiple game frames for smoother animation. If you pass a limit of zero, then it will fully evaluate the ink in the same way as calling Continue (and in fact, this exactly what Continue does internally).


void continueAsync(double millisecsLimitAsync) {
  _logger.fine('=== continueAsync ===');
  if (!_hasValidatedExternals) validateExternalBindings();

  _logger.fine('=== continueAsync (end)===');