Story class

A Story is the core class that represents a complete Ink narrative, and manages the evaluation and state of it.


Story(Container? contentContainer, [List<ListDefinition>? lists])
Story.fromJson(String jsonString)
Construct a Story object using a JSON string compiled through inklecate.


aliveFlowNames List<String>
no setter
allowExternalFunctionFallbacks bool
An ink file can provide a fallback functions for when when an EXTERNAL has been left unbound by the client, and the fallback function will be called instead. Useful when testing a story in playmode, when it's not possible to write a client-side C# external function, but you don't want it to fail to run.
getter/setter pair
asyncContinueComplete bool
If ContinueAsync was called (with milliseconds limit > 0) then this property will return false if the ink evaluation isn't yet finished, and you need to call it again in order for the Continue to fully complete.
no setter
canContinue bool
Check whether more content is available if you were to call - i.e. are we mid story rather than at a choice point or at the end.
no setter
currentChoices List<Choice>
The list of Choice objects available at the current point in the Story. This list will be populated as the Story is stepped through with the Continue() method. Once canContinue becomes false, this list will be populated, and is usually (but not always) on the final Continue() step.
no setter
currentErrors List<String>?
Any errors generated during evaluation of the Story.
no setter
currentFlowIsDefaultFlow bool
no setter
currentFlowName String
no setter
currentTags List<String>
Gets a list of tags as defined with '#' in source that were seen during the latest Continue() call.
no setter
currentText String?
The latest line of text to be generated from a Continue() call.
no setter
currentWarnings List<String>?
Any warnings generated during evaluation of the Story.
no setter
debugMetadata DebugMetadata?
getter/setter pairinherited
globalTags List<String>
no setter
hasError bool
Whether the currentErrors list contains any errors. THIS MAY BE REMOVED - you should be setting an error handler directly using Story.onError.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasWarning bool
Whether the currentWarnings list contains any warnings.
no setter
listDefinitions → ListDefinitionsOrigin?
no setter
mainContentContainer Container
no setter
onChoosePathString ↔ (void Function(String m, List<Object> objects)?)
Callback for when a path string is chosen
getter/setter pair
onCompleteEvaluateFunction ↔ (void Function(String m, List<Object> objects, String string, Object object)?)
Callback for when a function has been evaluated This is necessary because evaluating a function can cause continuing
getter/setter pair
onDidContinue ↔ (void Function()?)
Callback for when ContinueInternal is complete
getter/setter pair
onError ↔ ErrorHandler?
Error handler for all runtime errors in ink - i.e. problems with the source ink itself that are only discovered when playing the story. It's strongly recommended that you assign an error handler to your story instance to avoid getting exceptions for ink errors.
getter/setter pair
onEvaluateFunction ↔ (void Function(String? m, List<Object> objects)?)
Callback for when a function is about to be evaluated
getter/setter pair
onMakeChoice ↔ (void Function(Choice choice)?)
Callback for when a choice is about to be executed
getter/setter pair
ownDebugMetadata DebugMetadata
no setterinherited
parent RuntimeObject?
RuntimeObjects can be included in the main Story as a hierarchy. Usually parents are Container objects. (TODO: Always?)
getter/setter pairinherited
path Path
no setterinherited
rootContentContainer Container?
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
state StoryState
The entire current state of the story including (but not limited to):
  • Global variables
  • Temporary variables
  • Read/visit and turn counts
  • The callstack and evaluation stacks
  • The current threads
no setter
variablesState VariablesState
The VariablesState object contains all the global variables in the story. However, note that there's more to the state of a Story than just the global variables. This is a convenience accessor to the full state object.
no setter


addError(String message, {bool isWarning = false, bool useEndLineNumber = false}) → void
backgroundSaveComplete() → void
See CopyStateForBackgroundThreadSave. This method releases the "frozen" save state, applying its patch that it was using internally.
BindExternalFunction(String funcName, Object? func(), {bool lookaheadSafe = false}) → void
Bind a dart function to an ink EXTERNAL function declaration.
BindExternalFunction1<T1>(String funcName, Object? func(T1 t1), {bool lookaheadSafe = false}) → void
Bind a dart function to an ink EXTERNAL function declaration.
BindExternalFunction2<T1, T2>(String funcName, Object? func(T1 t1, T2 t2), {bool lookaheadSafe = false}) → void
Bind a dart function to an ink EXTERNAL function declaration.
BindExternalFunction3<T1, T2, T3>(String funcName, Object? func(T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3), {bool lookaheadSafe = false}) → void
Bind a dart function to an ink EXTERNAL function declaration.
BindExternalFunction4<T1, T2, T3, T4>(String funcName, Object func(T1 t1, T2 t2, T3 t3, T4 t4), {bool lookaheadSafe = false}) → void
Bind a dart function to an ink EXTERNAL function declaration.
BindExternalFunctionGeneral(String funcName, ExternalFunction func, {bool lookaheadSafe = true}) → void
bindExternalFunctionGeneral(String funcName, ExternalFunction func, {bool lookaheadSafe = true}) → void
Most general form of function binding that returns an object and takes an array of object parameters. The only way to bind a function with more than 3 arguments.
callExternalFunction(String funcName, int numberOfArguments) → void
chooseChoiceIndex(int choiceIdx) → void
Chooses the Choice from the currentChoices list with the given index. Internally, this sets the current content path to that pointed to by the Choice, ready to continue story evaluation.
ChooseChoiceIndex(int choiceIdx) → void
choosePath(Path p, {bool incrementingTurnIndex = true}) → void
ChoosePathString(String path, {bool resetCallstack = true, List<Object> arguments = const []}) → void
choosePathString(String path, {bool resetCallstack = true, List<Object> arguments = const []}) → void
compactPathString(Path otherPath) String
CompactPathString(Path otherPath) String
contentAtPath(Path path) SearchResult
Continue() String?
Continue the story for one line of content, if possible. If you're not sure if there's more content available, for example if you want to check whether you're at a choice point or at the end of the story, you should call before calling this function.
continueAsync(double millisecsLimitAsync) → void
An "asnychronous" version of Continue that only partially evaluates the ink, with a budget of a certain time limit. It will exit ink evaluation early if the evaluation isn't complete within the time limit, with the asyncContinueComplete property being false. This is useful if ink evaluation takes a long time, and you want to distribute it over multiple game frames for smoother animation. If you pass a limit of zero, then it will fully evaluate the ink in the same way as calling Continue (and in fact, this exactly what Continue does internally).
continueMaximally() String
Continue the story until the next choice point or until it runs out of content. This is as opposed to the Continue() method which only evaluates one line of output at a time.
ContinueMaximally() String
convertPathToRelative(Path globalPath) Path
CopyStateForBackgroundThreadSave() StoryState
Advanced usage! If you have a large story, and saving state to JSON takes too long for your framerate, you can temporarily freeze a copy of the state for saving on a separate thread. Internally, the engine maintains a "diff patch". When you've finished saving your state, call BackgroundSaveComplete() and that diff patch will be applied, allowing the story to continue in its usual mode.
debugLineNumberOfPath(Path? path) int?
EndProfiling() → void
Stop recording ink profiling information during calls to Continue on Story. To generate a report from the profiler, call
error(String message, [bool useEndLineNumber = false]) → void
EvaluateExpression(Container exprContainer) RuntimeObject?
EvaluateFunction(String functionName, [List<Object> arguments = const []]) EvaluateFunctionTextOutput
evaluateFunction(String functionName, [List<Object> arguments = const []]) Object
Evaluates a function defined in ink.
evaluateFunctionString(String functionName, StringBuffer? textOutput, [List<Object> arguments = const []]) Object
Evaluates a function defined in ink, and gathers the possibly multi-line text as generated by the function. This text output is any text written as normal content within the function, as opposed to the return value, as returned with `~ return`.
hasFunction(String functionName) bool
Checks if a function exists.
IfAsyncWeCant(String activityStr) → void
ifAsyncWeCant(String activityStr) → void
knotContainerWithName(String name) Container?
KnotContainerWithName(String name) Container?
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
observeVariable(String variableName, VariableObserver observer) → void
When the named global variable changes it's value, the observer will be called to notify it of the change. Note that if the value changes multiple times within the ink, the observer will only be called once, at the end of the ink's evaluation. If, during the evaluation, it changes and then changes back again to its original value, it will still be called. Note that the observer will also be fired if the value of the variable is changed externally to the ink, by directly setting a value in story.variablesState.
pointerAtPath(Path path) → Pointer
resetCallstack() → void
Unwinds the callstack. Useful to reset the Story's evaluation without actually changing any meaningful state, for example if you want to exit a section of story prematurely and tell it to go elsewhere with a call to ChoosePathString(...). Doing so without calling ResetCallstack() could cause unexpected issues if, for example, the Story was in a tunnel already.
ResetCallstack() → void
ResetErrors() → void
resetGlobals() → void
resetState() → void
Reset the Story back to its initial state as it was when it was first constructed.
resolvePath(Path? path) SearchResult
setChild<T extends RuntimeObject>(T? obj, T? value) → void
StartProfiling() → Profiler
Start recording ink profiling information during calls to Continue on Story. Return a Profiler instance that you can request a report from when you're finished.
switchFlow(String flowName) → void
SwitchFlow(String flowName) → void
TagsAtStartOfFlowContainerWithPathString(String pathString) List<String>
TagsForContentAtPath(String path) List<String>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
tryCoerce<T>(dynamic value) → dynamic
TryCoerce<T>(Object value) → dynamic
UnbindExternalFunction(String funcName) → void
unbindExternalFunction(String funcName) → void
Remove a binding for a named EXTERNAL ink function.
ValidateExternalBindings() → void
validateExternalBindings() → void
Check that all EXTERNAL ink functions have a valid bound C# function. Note that this is automatically called on the first call to Continue().
warning(String s) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

debug bool
getter/setter pair


inkVersionCurrent → const int
The current version of the ink story file format.
inkVersionMinimumCompatible → const int
The minimum legacy version of ink that can be loaded by the current version of the code.