
An easy to use, multipurpose init screen to introduce your app

Example usage

The most basic example would be to return the InitScreen class, for example in your login activity:

build(BuildContext context) {
    return InitScreen([Text("hi"), Text("am"), Text("sample content")]);

This creates a init screen and displays its' three children.
You can throw in any Widget you like but be aware that InitScreen just centers them.
You must supply a layout yourself.


You can change a lot of behavior and stuff surrounding the InitScreen class.
For a complete list please see the InitScreen class.

But heres an example of how to change the NavButtons:

class MyInitScreen extends State<MyHomePage> {

    // that one is important! Don't miss out that the GlobalKey must be for InitScreenState
    final GlobalKey<InitScreenState> _key = GlobalKey();

    _buildWithCustomNavs() {
        return InitScreen(
            // children to display
            [Text("test"), Text("[3]")],
            key: _key, // needed for callback
            customNavButtonBuilder: (index) { // custom NavButton builder
                return IconButton(
                    icon: Icon(Icons.ac_unit),
                    // must use the public callback
                    onPressed: () => _key.currentState.navBtnClick(index),

    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
        return _buildWithCustomNavs();

