of method

Object? of(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. bool rebuild = true,

Convenience method for when an InheritableAspect is already known.

Provide rebuild (defaults to true) if you want to control whether context should depend on the nearest enclosing Inheritable of T.

Contrary to similar static of methods, this is an instance method, since the return value depends on the InheritableAspect implementation itself and it cannot be a generic parameter on the InheritableAspect class. Since it would not allow using InheritableAspect<T> in many places.

Subclasses may also provide additional configuration via named parameters. Subclasses may also use the above doc template.

The default implementation returns the nearest enclosing Inheritable of T satisfying this aspect or null


Object? of(BuildContext context, {bool rebuild = true}) {
  return Inheritable.of<T>(context, aspect: this, rebuild: rebuild);