debounce<T> function

PredicateAspect<T> debounce<T>(
  1. Duration duration, {
  2. PredicateAspect<T> shouldNotify = _equals,
  3. bool leading = false,

Creates a PredicateAspect for T that skips all changes to T until given duration is exhausted.

Notifies at least after duration for the latest T that doesn't match last notified value of T specified by shouldNotify

Specify leading if the first change in T should be immediately available.

CAUTION, Specifying leading inside the build method will always rebuild without debouncing for duration. When using the leading value, save the aspect in a stateful variable.


  • ShouldNotify


PredicateAspect<T> debounce<T>(
  Duration duration, {
  PredicateAspect<T> shouldNotify = _equals,
  bool leading = false,
}) {
  bool _exhausted = false;
  T? _lastValue;

  Timer? timer;
  void stop() {
    _exhausted = true;
    timer = null;

  return ({required T prev, required T next}) {
    _lastValue ??= leading ? next : prev;

    /// After notifying for leading change, stop notifying for it
    /// This will either cause a rebuild, which re-starts the timer
    /// Or we start it now
    if (leading) {
      return !(leading = false);

    /// Don't notify until exhausted
    if (!_exhausted) {
      // Restart timer
      timer = Timer(duration, stop);
      return false;

    // Allows restarting timer for next run
    _exhausted = false;

    if (shouldNotify(next: next, prev: _lastValue!)) {
      _lastValue = next;
      return true;

    return false;