CalendarText constructor

const CalendarText({
  1. String createText = "Create",
  2. String week = "Week",
  3. String clickClose = "Click to Close",
  4. String overview = "Overview",
  5. String extra = "Other",
  6. String errorMessage = "an error occurred",
  7. CalendarTextWeekDays weekdays = const CalendarTextWeekDays(),
  8. CalendarTextMonths months = const CalendarTextMonths(),


const CalendarText({
  this.createText = "Create",
  this.week = "Week",
  this.clickClose = "Click to Close",
  this.overview = "Overview",
  this.extra = "Other",
  this.errorMessage = "an error occurred",
  this.weekdays = const CalendarTextWeekDays(),
  this.months = const CalendarTextMonths(),