delete method

Future<void> delete({
  1. required DateTime start,
  2. required DateTime stop,
  3. String? predicate,
  4. String? zapTraceSpan,
  5. String? org,
  6. String? bucket,
  7. String? orgID,
  8. String? bucketID,

Delete time series data from InfluxDB


  • DateTime start; RFC3339Nano

  • DateTime stop; RFC3339Nano

  • String predicate; InfluxQL-like delete statement

  • String zapTraceSpan: OpenTracing span context

  • String org: Specifies the organization to delete data from.

  • String bucket: Specifies the bucket to delete data from.

  • String orgID: Specifies the organization ID of the resource.

  • String bucketID: Specifies the bucket ID to delete data from.


Future<void> delete(
    {required DateTime start,
    required DateTime stop,
    String? predicate,
    String? zapTraceSpan,
    String? org,
    String? bucket,
    String? orgID,
    String? bucketID}) async {
  var deletePredicateRequest =
      DeletePredicateRequest(start: start, stop: stop, predicate: predicate);

  return await _service.postDelete(deletePredicateRequest,
      zapTraceSpan: zapTraceSpan,
      org: org,
      bucket: bucket,
      orgID: orgID,
      bucketID: bucketID);