postDelete method
Delete data
DeletePredicateRequest deletePredicateRequest (required): Deletes data from an InfluxDB bucket.
String zapTraceSpan: OpenTracing span context
String org: Specifies the organization to delete data from.
String bucket: Specifies the bucket to delete data from.
String orgID: Specifies the organization ID of the resource.
String bucketID: Specifies the bucket ID to delete data from.
Future<void> postDelete(DeletePredicateRequest deletePredicateRequest,
{String? zapTraceSpan,
String? org,
String? bucket,
String? orgID,
String? bucketID}) async {
final response = await postDeleteWithHttpInfo(deletePredicateRequest,
zapTraceSpan: zapTraceSpan,
org: org,
bucket: bucket,
orgID: orgID,
bucketID: bucketID);
if (response.statusCode >= HttpStatus.badRequest) {
throw ApiException(response.statusCode, await _decodeBodyBytes(response));