purchaseStream property

Stream<List<PurchaseDetails>> get purchaseStream

Listen to this broadcast stream to get real time update for purchases.

This stream will never close as long as the app is active.

Purchase updates can happen in several situations:

  • When a purchase is triggered by user in the app.
  • When a purchase is triggered by user from the platform-specific store front.
  • When a purchase is restored on the device by the user in the app.
  • If a purchase is not completed (completePurchase is not called on the purchase object) from the last app session. Purchase updates will happen when a new app session starts instead.

IMPORTANT! You must subscribe to this stream as soon as your app launches, preferably before returning your main App Widget in main(). Otherwise you will miss purchase updated made before this stream is subscribed to.

We also recommend listening to the stream with one subscription at a given time. If you choose to have multiple subscription at the same time, you should be careful at the fact that each subscription will receive all the events after they start to listen.


Stream<List<PurchaseDetails>> get purchaseStream =>
    throw UnimplementedError('purchaseStream has not been implemented.');