dartFiles function
Get all the dart files for the project and the contents
Map<String, File> dartFiles(String currentPath, List<String> args) {
final dartFiles = <String, File>{};
final allContents = [
..._readDir(currentPath, 'lib'),
..._readDir(currentPath, 'bin'),
..._readDir(currentPath, 'test'),
..._readDir(currentPath, 'tests'),
..._readDir(currentPath, 'test_driver'),
for (final fileOrDir in allContents) {
if (fileOrDir is File && fileOrDir.path.endsWith('.dart')) {
dartFiles[fileOrDir.path] = fileOrDir;
// If there are only certain files given via args filter the others out
var onlyCertainFiles = false;
for (final arg in args) {
if (!onlyCertainFiles) {
onlyCertainFiles = arg.endsWith("dart");
if (onlyCertainFiles) {
final patterns = args.where((arg) => !arg.startsWith("-"));
final filesToKeep = <String, File>{};
for (final fileName in dartFiles.keys) {
var keep = false;
for (final pattern in patterns) {
if (RegExp(pattern).hasMatch(fileName)) {
keep = true;
if (keep) {
filesToKeep[fileName] = File(fileName);
return filesToKeep;
return dartFiles;