A UI library of impaktfull.
impaktfull_ui is still in unstable & untested. everything under <1.0.0 should not be used unless you want to test it
This UI library was built to have a simple way to build UIs for impaktfull. This will limit the maintenance cost of open-source projects and make it easier to build applications. That way we can focus on building new tools & features instead of bugfixing and maintaining UI changes from Flutter.
- Open-source example projects
- impaktfull applications
- Setup your theme (colors, textStyles, shadows, dimens, assets)
- Use ImapktfullUiApp
- Use the components provided in the UI library
Component List
Components are always prefixed with ImpaktfullUi
to avoid conflicts with other libraries.
- ImpaktfullUiAccordion
- ImpaktfullUiAdaptiveNavBar
- ImpaktfullUiAdaptiveNavBarAction
- ImpaktfullUiAdaptiveScreen
- ImpaktfullUiAdaptivePageRoute
- ImpaktfullUiAdaptiveSafeArea
- ImpaktfullUiApp
- ImpaktfullUiAssetWidget
- ImpaktfullUiAsset.icon
- ImpaktfullUiAsset.svg
- ImpaktfullUiAsset.image
- ImpaktfullUiAsset.lottie
- ImpaktfullUiAsset.rive
- ImpaktfullUiAutoComplete
- ImpaktfullUiAutoLayout
- ImpaktfullUiAvatar
- ImpaktfullUiBadge
- ImpaktfullUiBottomActions
- ImpaktfullUiBottomNavigation
- ImpaktfullUiBottomNavigationItem
- ImpaktfullUiBottomSheet
- ImpaktfullUiButton
- ImpaktfullUiCalendar
- ImpaktfullUiCalendarList
- ImpaktfullUiCalendarWeek
- ImpaktfullUiCarrousel
- ImpaktfullUiChat
- ImpaktfullUiChatListItem
- ImpaktfullUiChatListItemBackgroundd
- ImpaktfullUiChatListItemAvatar
- ImpaktfullUiCheckBox
- ImpaktfullUiCmsHeader
- ImpaktfullUiColorPicker
- ImpaktfullUiConfetti
- ImpaktfullUiCommandMenu
- ImpaktfullUiCommandMenu
- ImpaktfullUiDateInputField
- ImpaktfullUiDatePicker
- ImpaktfullUiDatePicker.range
- ImpaktfullUiDateTimePicker
- ImpaktfullUiTimePicker
- ImpaktfullUiDivider
- ImpaktfullUiDesktopPageRoute
- ImpaktfullUiDropdown
- ImpaktfullUiFocusFeedback
- ImpaktfullUiFilePicker
- ImpaktfullUiFloatingActionButton
- ImpaktfullUiFluidPadding
- ImpaktfullUiGallery
- ImpaktfullUiGalleryFullScreen
- ImpaktfullUiGalleryFullScreenItem
- ImpaktfullUiGalleryHeroItem
- ImpaktfullUiGridView
- ImpaktfullUiHoverFeedback
- ImpaktfullUiHorizontalTabs
- ImpaktfullUiHorizontalTab
- ImpaktfullUiIconButton
- ImpaktfullUiImageCrop
- ImpaktfullUiInputField
- ImpaktfullUiLineChart
- ImpaktfullUiListItem
- ImpaktfullUiSimpleListItem
- ImpaktfullUiListView
- ImpaktfullUiLoadingErrorData
- ImpaktfullUiLoadingIndicator
- ImpaktfullUiMarkdown
- ImpaktfullUiMasterDetail
- ImpaktfullUiMasterDetailItemScreen
- ImpaktfullUiMetric
- ImpaktfullUiModal
- ImpaktfullUiMorseCodeTouchFeedback
- ImpaktfullUiNavBar
- ImpaktfullUiNetworkImage
- ImpaktfullUiNotification
- ImpaktfullUiNotificationBadge
- ImpaktfullUiNumberInput
- ImpaktfullUiOptionSelector
- ImpaktfullUiPagination
- ImpaktfullUiPasswordStrengthIndicator
- ImpaktfullUiPinCode
- ImpaktfullUiPlaceholderState
- ImpaktfullUiProgressIndicator
- ImpaktfullUiLineProgressIndicator
- ImpaktfullUiCircleProgressIndicator
- ImpaktfullUiHalfCircleProgressIndicator
- ImpaktfullUiRadioButton
- ImpaktfullUiRadioButtonListItem
- ImpaktfullUiRefreshIndicator
- ImpaktfullUiResponsiveLayout
- ImpaktfullUiResponsiveRow
- ImpaktfullUiScreen
- ImpaktfullUiSectionTitle
- ImpaktfullUiSegmentedControl
- ImpaktfullUiSelectableListItem
- ImpaktfullUiSeparatedColumn
- ImpaktfullUiSideNavigation
- ImpaktfullUiSideNavigationItem
- ImpaktfullUiSlider
- ImpaktfullUiSkeleton
- ImpaktfullUiSnackyConfigurator
- ImpaktfullUiStepper
- ImpaktfullUiSwitch
- ImpaktfullUiSwitchListItem
- ImpaktfullUiTabBar
- ImpaktfullUiTabBarItem
- ImpaktfullUiTable
- ImpaktfullUiTableHeader
- ImpaktfullUiTableHeaderItem
- ImpaktfullUiTableRow
- ImpaktfullUiTableRowItem
- ImpaktfullUiTableHeader
- ImpaktfullUiTheme
- ImpaktfullUiTooltip
- ImpaktfullUiTouchFeedback
- ImpaktfullUiTouchFeedbackSequence
- ImpaktfullUiUnifiedScreenLayout
- ImpaktfullUiVirtualKeyboard
- ImpaktfullUiWrap
- ImpaktfullUiWysiwyg
Much more components to come in the future, always with the focus on minimizing maintenance and maximizing a recognizable UI/brand for impaktfull (Checkout the TODO list below)
Building Blocks
- ImpaktfullUiBBForgetPassword
- ImpaktfullUiBBLicensesScreen
- ImpaktfullUiBBLogin
- ImpaktfullUiBBNotFound
- ImpaktfullUiBBRegister
- ImpaktfullUiBBVerifyRegisterCode
Much more building blocks to come in the future.
- Dashboard
Much more examples to come in the future.
The provided theme contains the default impaktfull branding. But it is super important for us that the theme is easy to configure and highly configurable. That is why we choose for component based theming.
These images animations can be overriden by adding your own files to your assets folder. The only thing you need to do extra is override package
(in your own project)
- asssets/images/logo.svg
- asssets/images/splash_logo.svg
Lottie Animations
These lottie animations can be overriden by adding your own files to your assets folder. The only thing you need to do extra is override package
(in your own project)
- assets/lottie/loading.json
These icons can be overriden in the theme itself. By adding your own IconData.
- add
- arrowLeft
- arrowRight
- arrowUp
- arrowDown
- check
- checkCircle
- chevronDown
- chevronLeft
- chevronRight
- chevronUp
- circle
- close
- confetti
- copy
- delete
- dot
- edit
- error
- home
- info
- lineVertical
- list
- logout
- minus
- moreHorizontal
- moreVertical
- passwordHide
- passwordShow
- refresh
- search
- settings
- success
- user
- warning
- wysiwygBold
- wysiwygCode
- wysiwygCodeBlock
- wysiwygHeader
- wysiwygItalic
- wysiwygLink
- wysiwygOrderedList
- wysiwygPhoto
- wysiwygUnorderedList
- wysiwygUnorderedListItem
⌛️ Add tests
- Add screenshot tests for all components
⌛️ Add extra components
- ImpaktfullUiIntroduction
- ImpaktfullUiBreadcrumbs
- ImpaktfullUiQrCode
- ImpaktfullUiBarCode
- ImpaktfullUiBarChart
- ImpaktfullUiPieChart
- ImpaktfullUiPasswordStrengthIndicator
- ImpaktfullUiStoryView
- ImpaktfullUiStoryViewItem
- ImpaktfullUiVidoPlayerControls
- ImpaktfullUiFileCropper
- ImpaktfullUiSocialLoginsButton
- ImpaktfullUiImageComparisonView
- ImpaktfullUiWebView
- ImpaktfullUiQrCodeScanner
- ImpaktfullUiBarcodeScanner
- ImpaktfullUiHtml
- ImpaktfullUiWysiwyg (HTML)
- ImpaktfullUiRating
⌛️ Add CustomRoutes
- ImpaktfullUiIosModalRoute
⌛️ Add addaptive components
- ImpaktfullUiAdaptiveNavigation
- ImpaktfullUiAdaptiveRoute
- ImpaktfullUiAdaptiveModalRoute
⌛️ Add building blocks
- ImpaktfullUiBBMoreScreen
- ImpaktfullUiBBDebugScreen
- ImpaktfullUiBBPrivacyPolicyScreen
- ImpaktfullUiBBTermsAndConditionsScreen
⌛️ Add examples
- Signup
- Forget Password
- Reset password
- 404
- Verify code
You are free to use this library as long as you give credit to impaktfull. You can use it for commercial and non-commercial projects. See the LICENSE file for more information.
All images are from Pexels
- Photo by Seats Photographix:
- Photo by GlassesShop GS:
- Photo by mücahit koçhan:
- Photo by Samad Ismayilov:
- Photo by stein egil liland:
- Photo by Line Knipst:
- Photo by Asad Photo Maldives:
- Photo by Krivec Ales:
- Photo by Alex Qian: