launchUrlString function

Future<bool> launchUrlString(
  1. String urlString, {
  2. LaunchMode mode = LaunchMode.platformDefault,
  3. WebViewConfiguration webViewConfiguration = const WebViewConfiguration(),
  4. BrowserConfiguration browserConfiguration = const BrowserConfiguration(),
  5. String? webOnlyWindowName,

String version of launchUrl.

This should be used only in the very rare case of needing to launch a URL that is considered valid by the host platform, but not by Dart's Uri class. In all other cases, use launchUrl instead, as that will ensure that you are providing a valid URL.

The behavior of this method when passing an invalid URL is entirely platform-specific; no effort is made by the plugin to make the URL valid. Some platforms may provide best-effort interpretation of an invalid URL, others will immediately fail if the URL can't be parsed according to the official standards that define URL formats.


Future<bool> launchUrlString(
  String urlString, {
  LaunchMode mode = LaunchMode.platformDefault,
  WebViewConfiguration webViewConfiguration = const WebViewConfiguration(),
  BrowserConfiguration browserConfiguration = const BrowserConfiguration(),
  String? webOnlyWindowName,
}) async {
  if ((mode == LaunchMode.inAppWebView ||
          mode == LaunchMode.inAppBrowserView) &&
      !(urlString.startsWith('https:') || urlString.startsWith('http:'))) {
    throw ArgumentError.value(urlString, 'urlString',
        'To use an in-app web view, you must provide an http(s) URL.');
  return UrlLauncherPlatform.instance.launchUrl(
      mode: convertLaunchMode(mode),
      webViewConfiguration: convertWebViewConfiguration(webViewConfiguration),
      browserConfiguration: convertBrowserConfiguration(browserConfiguration),
      webOnlyWindowName: webOnlyWindowName,