add method

ImmortalSet<T> add(
  1. T value

Returns a copy of this set where value is added to.

If value (or an equal value) was already present in the set, the set is returned unchanged.


var set = ImmortalSet();
final time1 = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0);
final time2 = DateTime.fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch(0);
// time1 and time2 are equal, but not identical.
expect(time1, time2);
expect(identical(time1, time2), false);
set = set.add(time1);
// A value equal to time2 exists already in the set, and the call to
// add does not expand the copy even further.
set = set.add(time2);
expect(set.length, 1);
expect(set.contains(time1), true);
expect(set.contains(time2), true);


ImmortalSet<T> add(T value) {
  final newSet = toSet();
  if (newSet.add(value)) {
    return ImmortalSet._internal(newSet);
  return this;