asMapOfLists<K> method

ImmortalMap<K, ImmortalList<T>> asMapOfLists<K>(
  1. K keyGenerator(
    1. T value

Returns an ImmortalMap using the given keyGenerator and concatenating values with the same key.

Iterates over all elements in iteration order and calculates the key for each element by applying keyGenerator to its value. The list of all values with the same key in iteration order is used as the value of the generated key in the resulting map.


ImmortalMap<K, ImmortalList<T>> asMapOfLists<K>(
        K Function(T value) keyGenerator) =>
      ImmortalMap<K, ImmortalList<T>>(),
      (map, value) => map.update(
        (list) => list.add(value),
        ifAbsent: () => ImmortalList([value]),