ImgFlip API

This project provides a Dart library for interacting with the ImgFlip API. It allows you to retrieve a list of available memes and generate custom memes using the ImgFlip service.


To use this library in your Dart project, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:

  imgflip: ^1.0.0

Then, run pub get to download and install the package.


To use this library, you first need to import it:

import 'package:imgflip/imgflip.dart';

Then, you can create an instance of the ImgFlip class and use it to interact with the ImgFlip API:

final imgFlip = ImgFlip('your_username', 'your_password');

Retrieving a list of available memes

To retrieve a list of available memes, you can use the getMemes method:

final memes = await imgFlip.getMemes();

Generating a custom meme

To generate a custom meme, you can use the generateMeme method:

final meme = await imgFlip.generateMeme('meme_id', 'top_text', 'bottom_text');


A library to interact with the Imgflip API.