convertImgtoZpl static method

Future<String> convertImgtoZpl(
  1. String name,
  2. Uint8List imageAsU8

converts the image to zpl string in the following format '~DFname, totalImageBytes, bytesperRow, data in hex format\n' you can use this image in zpl using the following command '^FO25,0^XGR:name,1,1^FS'


static Future<String> convertImgtoZpl(
    String name, Uint8List imageAsU8) async {
  HexImageString tuple = await _getHexBody(imageAsU8);
  var body = tuple.hexImage;
  //if (compressHex) cuerpo = encodeHexAscii(cuerpo);
  return '~DG${name},' +
      tuple.totalBytes.toInt().toString() +
      "," +
      tuple.widthBytes.toInt().toString() +
      ", " +
      body +