The IME Pay Payment SDK for flutter gives access to merchants to receive payment from IME Pay customers through their flutter application.
IME Pay Flutter Merchant Payment SDK enables merchants to receive payments from IME Pay customers through their flutter application. The application performs the payment and verifies the transaction status.
var result =await StartSdk.callSdk(context,
merchantCode: MERCHANT_CODE,
merchantName: MERCHANT_NAME,
merchantUrl: MERCHANT_URL,
amount: AMOUNT,
refId: REF_ID,
module: MODULE,
user: USER,
password: PASSWORD,
deliveryUrl: DELIVERY_URL,
buildType: BuildType.STAGE);
- constants/app_constants
- country_picker/countries
- country_picker/country
- country_picker/country_picker_cupertino
- country_picker/country_picker_dialog
- country_picker/country_picker_dropdown
- model/merchant_response_model
- model/mobile_verify_model
- model/payment_response_model
- model/request_model
- model/tokern_response
- phone_number_screen
- start_sdk
- utils/my_alert_dialog
- utils/resultListener
- utils/typedefs
- utils/utils
- views/cancel_dialog
- views/error_screen
- views/loadin_overlay
- views/pin_layout
- views/review_screen
- views/success_screen
- views/verify_screen
- webservice/web_service
- widget/custom_text_input_field
- widget/pin_put/pin_put
- widget/pin_put/pin_put_state