addImageWatermark static method

Future<Uint8List> addImageWatermark({
  1. required Uint8List originalImageBytes,
  2. required Uint8List waterkmarkImageBytes,
  3. int imgHeight = 100,
  4. int imgWidth = 100,
  5. int dstX = 100,
  6. int dstY = 100,

This method adds the image that is indicated as a watermark, the parameters are the following:

await addImageWatermark(
  originalImageBytes : //Original Image converted to Uint8List
  waterkmarkImageBytes: //Watermark Image converted to Uint8List
  dstX: //X coordinates in the image (default 100)
  dstY: //Y coordinates in the image (default 100)
  imgHeight: //Image height (default 100)
  imgWidth: //Image width (default 100)


static Future<Uint8List> addImageWatermark({
  required Uint8List originalImageBytes,
  required Uint8List waterkmarkImageBytes,
  int imgHeight = 100,
  int imgWidth = 100,
  int dstX = 100,
  int dstY = 100,
}) async {
  ///Original Image
  final original = ui.decodeImage(originalImageBytes)!;

  ///Watermark Image
  final watermark = ui.decodeImage(waterkmarkImageBytes)!;

  // add watermark over originalImage
  // initialize width and height of watermark image
  final image = ui.Image(height: imgHeight, width: imgWidth);

  ui.compositeImage(image, watermark);
  // ui.drawImage(image, watermark);

  // give position to watermark over image
    dstX: dstX,
    dstY: dstY,

  ///Encode image to PNG
  final wmImage = ui.encodePng(original);

  ///Get the result
  final result = Uint8List.fromList(wmImage);

  return result;