
Do not completely decode the image file, just read the metadata to get the image width and height.

Just support jpeg, gif, png, webp.


import 'dart:io';

import 'package:image_size_getter/image_size_getter.dart';
import 'package:image_size_getter/file_input.dart'; // For compatibility with flutter web.

void main(List<String> arguments) async {
  final file = File('asset/IMG_20180908_080245.jpg');
  final size = ImageSizeGetter.getSize(FileInput(file));
  print('jpg = $size');

  final pngFile = File('asset/ic_launcher.png');
  final pngSize = ImageSizeGetter.getSize(FileInput(pngFile));
  print('png = $pngSize');

  final webpFile = File('asset/demo.webp');
  final webpSize = ImageSizeGetter.getSize(FileInput(webpFile));
  print('webp = $webpSize');

  final gifFile = File('asset/dialog.gif');
  final gifSize = ImageSizeGetter.getSize(FileInput(gifFile));
  print('gif = $gifSize');


import 'package:image_size_getter/image_size_getter.dart';

void foo(Uint8List image){
  final memoryImageSize = ImageSizeGetter.getSize(MemoryInput(image));
  print('memoryImageSize = $memoryImageSize');


See migrate

Other question

The package is dart package, no just flutter package. So, if you want to get flutter asset image size, you must convert it to memory(Uint8List).

final buffer = await rootBundle.load('assets/logo.png'); // get the byte buffer
final memoryImageSize = ImageSizeGetter.getSize(MemoryInput.byteBuffer(buffer));
print('memoryImageSize = $memoryImageSize');


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