pickImage static method

Future<String?> pickImage({
  1. ImageSource source = ImageSource.gallery,
  2. required void onError(
    1. String e

Picks a single image from the specified ImageSource.

Returns the file path of the picked image or null if no image is selected. Calls onError in case of an error.


static Future<String?> pickImage({
  ImageSource source = ImageSource.gallery,
  required void Function(String e) onError,
}) async {
  try {
    final pickedFile = await _imagePicker.pickImage(
      source: source == ImageSource.camera
          ? image_picker.ImageSource.camera
          : image_picker.ImageSource.gallery,
    if (pickedFile == null) return null;

    final path = pickedFile.path;
    return path;
  } catch (e) {
    return null;