magickCombineImages method

Future<MagickWand?> magickCombineImages(
  1. ColorspaceType colorSpace

magickCombineImages() combines one or more images into a single image. The grayscale value of the pixels of each image in the sequence is assigned in order to the specified channels of the combined image. The typical ordering would be image 1 => Red, 2 => Green, 3 => Blue, etc.

Don't forget to call destroyMagickWand on the returned MagickWand when done.

This method runs inside an isolate different from the main isolate.

  • colorSpace: the colorspace.


Future<MagickWand?> magickCombineImages(ColorspaceType colorSpace) async =>
      await _magickCompute(
        _MagickCombineImagesParams(_wandPtr.address, colorSpace.index),