magickAddImage method

Future<bool> magickAddImage(
  1. MagickWand other

Adds a clone of the images from the second wand and inserts them into the first wand. Use magickSetLastIterator(), to append new images into an existing wand, current image will be set to last image so later adds with also be appended to end of wand. Use magickSetFirstIterator() to prepend new images into wand, any more images added will also be prepended before other images in the wand. However the order of a list of new images will not change. Otherwise the new images will be inserted just after the current image, and any later image will also be added after this current image but before the previously added images. Caution is advised when multiple image adds are inserted into the middle of the wand image list.

This method runs inside an isolate different from the main isolate.

  • other : the other wand to add images from.


Future<bool> magickAddImage(MagickWand other) async => await _magickCompute(
      _MagickAddImageParams(_wandPtr.address, other._wandPtr.address),