magickResizeImage method

Future<bool> magickResizeImage({
  1. required int columns,
  2. required int rows,
  3. required FilterType filter,

MagickResizeImage() scales an image to the desired dimensions with one of these filters:

 Bessel   Blackman   Box
 Catrom   CubicGaussian
 Hanning  Hermite    Lanczos
 Mitchell PointQuadratic
 Sinc     Triangle

Most of the filters are FIR (finite impulse response), however, Bessel, Gaussian, and Sinc are IIR (infinite impulse response). Bessel and Sinc are windowed (brought down to zero) with the Blackman filter.

This method runs inside an isolate different from the main isolate.

  • columns: the number of columns in the scaled image.
  • rows: the number of rows in the scaled image.
  • filter: the filter to use.


Future<bool> magickResizeImage({
  required int columns,
  required int rows,
  required FilterType filter,
}) async =>
    await _magickCompute(