magickQueryMultilineFontMetrics method

Float64List? magickQueryMultilineFontMetrics(
  1. DrawingWand drawingWand,
  2. String text

Returns a 13 element array representing the following font metrics:

Element Description
0 character width
1 character height
2 ascender
3 descender
4 text width
5 text height
6 maximum horizontal advance
7 bounding box: x1
8 bounding box: y1
9 bounding box: x2
10 bounding box: y2
11 origin: x
12 origin: y

This method is like magickQueryFontMetrics() but it returns the maximum text width and height for multiple lines of text.

  • Note: null is returned if the font metrics cannot be determined from the given input (for ex: if the MagickWand contains no images).


Float64List? magickQueryMultilineFontMetrics(
        DrawingWand drawingWand, String text) =>
    using((Arena arena) {
      final Pointer<Char> textPtr =
          text.toNativeUtf8(allocator: arena).cast();
      final Pointer<Double> metricsPtr =
              _wandPtr, drawingWand._wandPtr, textPtr);
      final Float64List? metrics = metricsPtr.toFloat64List(13);
      return metrics;