magickPreviousImage method

bool magickPreviousImage()

MagickPreviousImage() sets the previous image in the wand as the current image. It is typically used after magickSetLastIterator(), after which its first use will set the last image as the current image (unless the wand is empty). It will return false when no more images are left to be returned which happens when the wand is empty, or the current image is the first image. At that point the iterator is than reset to again process images in the forward direction, again starting with the first image in list. Images added at this point are prepended. Also at that point any images added to the wand using magickAddImages() or magickReadImages() will be prepended before the first image. In this sense the condition is not quite exactly the same as magickResetIterator().

This method runs inside an isolate different from the main isolate.


bool magickPreviousImage() =>