magickCompositeLayers method

Future<bool> magickCompositeLayers({
  1. required MagickWand sourceWand,
  2. required CompositeOperator compose,
  3. required int x,
  4. required int y,

magickCompositeLayers() composite the images in the source wand over the images in the destination wand in sequence, starting with the current image in both lists. Each layer from the two image lists are composted together until the end of one of the image lists is reached. The offset of each composition is also adjusted to match the virtual canvas offsets of each layer. As such the given offset is relative to the virtual canvas, and not the actual image. Composition uses given x and y offsets, as the 'origin' location of the source images virtual canvas (not the real image) allowing you to compose a list of 'layer images' into the destination images. This makes it well suitable for directly composing 'Clears Frame Animations' or 'Coalesced Animations' onto a static or other 'Coalesced Animation' destination image list. GIF disposal handling is not looked at. Special case:- If one of the image sequences is the last image (just a single image remaining), that image is repeatedly composed with all the images in the other image list. Either the source or destination lists may be the single image, for this situation. In the case of a single destination image (or last image given), that image will be cloned to match the number of images remaining in the source image list. This is equivalent to the "-layer Composite" Shell API operator.

This method runs inside an isolate different from the main isolate.

  • sourceWand: the magick wand holding source image.
  • Compose, x, and y are the compose arguments.


Future<bool> magickCompositeLayers({
  required MagickWand sourceWand,
  required CompositeOperator compose,
  required int x,
  required int y,
}) async =>
    await _magickCompute(