Flutter Image Handler Plugin

The Flutter Image Handler plugin provides utilities for handling images in a Flutter application. It includes features for image compression, format conversion, cropping, and selecting images from various sources.


1. Check Compressed File Size

  • static Future<int> checkCompressedFileSize(XFile? file): Checks the size of a compressed file specified by an XFile and returns the size in bytes. Returns 0 if the file is null.

2. Convert File to Other Format

  • static Future<XFile?> convertFileToOtherFormat({required XFile? file, String finalFormat = 'jpeg', required int quality}): Converts a file to another format with the specified quality. Supported formats include JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WebP, HEIC, and HEIF.

3. Crop Image

  • static Future<XFile> cropImage({required var pickedFile, var context, required String title, required int quality, int widthCroppieBoundary = 520, int heightCroppieBoundary = 520, int widthCroppieViewPort = 480, int heightCroppieViewPort = 480}): Crops an image with customizable settings such as title, quality, and crop boundaries. Supports Android, iOS, and web platforms.

4. Select File

  • static Future selectFile({required FileType type}): Allows users to select files or videos from their device. Returns an XFile for image files and a File for video files.

5. Pick Image from Camera

  • static Future pickImageCamera(): Captures an image from the device's camera and returns an XFile with the picked image.


Here's how you can use the Flutter Image Handler plugin in your Flutter application:

  1. Import the plugin:

    import 'package:flutter_image_handler/flutter_image_handler.dart';
  2. Initialize the ImageHandler instance:

    final imageHandler = ImageHandler();
  3. Use the available methods to perform image-related tasks.


// Check the size of a compressed file
int fileSize = await ImageHandler.checkCompressedFileSize(someXFile);
print('Compressed file size: $fileSize bytes');

// Convert a file to another format
XFile? convertedFile = await ImageHandler.convertFileToOtherFormat(
  file: someXFile,
  finalFormat: 'png',
  quality: 80,
print('Converted file path: ${convertedFile?.path}');

// Crop an image
XFile croppedImage = await ImageHandler.cropImage(
  pickedFile: someXFile,
  context: context,
  title: 'Crop Image',
  quality: 90,
print('Cropped image path: ${croppedImage.path}');

// Select a file (image or video)
var selectedFile = await ImageHandler.selectFile(type: FileType.image);
if (selectedFile is XFile) {
  print('Selected image path: ${selectedFile.path}');
} else if (selectedFile is File) {
  print('Selected video path: ${selectedFile.path}');

// Pick an image from the camera
XFile? pickedImage = await ImageHandler.pickImageCamera();
print('Picked image path: ${pickedImage?.path}');

Please make sure to handle exceptions and error scenarios as needed in your application.


This Flutter plugin is open-source and licensed under the MIT License. You can find the source code and license details in the GitHub repository.

Issues and Contributions

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. Contributions and pull requests are welcome!

