Image downloader for web

Download images from URL on Flutter Web

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Usage example

Download image on webb

const _url = "";

Future<void> _downloadImage() async {
  await WebImageDownloader.downloadImageFromWeb(_url);

Download image on web from UInt8List

final uint8List = Uint8List();

Future<void> _downloadImage() async {
  await WebImageDownloader.downloadImageFromUInt8List(uInt8List: uint8List);

Download image with reduced quality

const _url = "";

Future<void> _downloadImage() async {
  await WebImageDownloader.downloadImageFromWeb(_url, imageQuality: 0.5);

Download image with custom headers

const _url = "";

Future<void> _downloadImage() async {
  final Map<String, String> headers = {
    'authorization': token,
  await WebImageDownloader.downloadImageFromWeb(_url, headers: headers);