drawChar function

Image drawChar(
  1. Image image,
  2. BitmapFont font,
  3. int x,
  4. int y,
  5. String char, {
  6. int? color,

Draw a single character from char horizontally into image at position x,y with the given color.


Image drawChar(Image image, BitmapFont font, int x, int y, String char,
    {int? color}) {
  final c = char.codeUnits[0];
  if (!font.characters.containsKey(c)) {
    return image;

  final ch = font.characters[c]!;
  final x2 = x + ch.width;
  final y2 = y + ch.height;
  var pi = 0;
  for (var yi = y; yi < y2; ++yi) {
    for (var xi = x; xi < x2; ++xi) {
      if (color != null) {
        drawPixel(image, xi, yi, color);
      } else {
        drawPixel(image, xi, yi, ch.image[pi++]);

  return image;