removeGroupSharedFile method

Future<void> removeGroupSharedFile(
  1. String groupId,
  2. String fileId

~english Removes a shared file of the group.

Group members can delete their own uploaded files. The group owner or admin can delete all shared files.

Param groupId The group ID.

Param fileId The ID of the shared file.

Throws A description of the exception. See EMError. ~end

~chinese 删除指定的群组共享文件。


Param groupId 群组 ID。

Param fileId 共享文件的 ID。

Throws 如果有异常会在此抛出,包括错误码和错误信息,详见 EMError。 ~end


Future<void> removeGroupSharedFile(
  String groupId,
  String fileId,
) async {
  Map req = {'groupId': groupId, 'fileId': fileId};
  Map result =
      await _channel.invokeMethod(ChatMethodKeys.removeGroupSharedFile, req);
  try {
  } on EMError catch (e) {
    throw e;