latestMessage method

Future<EMMessage?> latestMessage()

~english Gets the last message from the conversation.

The operation does not change the unread message count.

The SDK gets the latest message from the local memory first. If no message is found, the SDK loads the message from the local database and then puts it in the memory.

Return The message instance. ~end

~chinese 获取会话的最新一条消息。



Return 消息体实例。 ~end


Future<EMMessage?> latestMessage() async {
  Map req = this._toJson();
  Map result = await _emConversationChannel.invokeMethod(
      ChatMethodKeys.getLatestMessage, req);
  try {
    if (result.containsKey(ChatMethodKeys.getLatestMessage)) {
      return EMMessage.fromJson(result[ChatMethodKeys.getLatestMessage]);
    } else {
      return null;
  } on EMError catch (e) {
    throw e;