convertListen<T extends Object> method

void convertListen<T extends Object>({
  1. String? mark,
  2. bool broadcast = false,
  3. bool sync = false,

Convert an object that has no listeners to a listener object.

mark -- Is the unique identifier of the shared data object before the query.

broadcast -- Listener broadcast form of shared object.

sync -- Whether the broadcast event should be delayed.


void convertListen<T extends Object>({
  String? mark,
  bool broadcast = false,
  bool sync = false,
}) {
  final String key = keyGet<T>(mark);
  final bool isExist = _recordPool.keys.contains(key);
  final StreamController<T> streamController = broadcast ? StreamController<T>.broadcast(sync: sync) : StreamController<T>(sync: sync);
  _recordListenPool[key] = streamController;
  if (isExist) {