IDKitButton.corner constructor

  1. double radius = 4,
  2. String? title,
  3. TextStyle? style,
  4. String? disableTitle,
  5. TextStyle? disableStyle,
  6. String? image,
  7. String? disableImage,
  8. Size? imgSize,
  9. BoxFit? imgFit,
  10. Color? bgColor,
  11. Color? disableBgColor,
  12. double? width,
  13. double? height,
  14. BtnCornerType cornerType = BtnCornerType.all,
  15. EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin,
  16. EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding,
  17. Duration? duration,
  18. dynamic onTap()?,
  19. bool enable = true,
  20. Stream<bool>? enableStream,

Buttons of the chamfer type series


factory IDKitButton.corner({
  double radius = 4,
  String? title,
  TextStyle? style,
  String? disableTitle,
  TextStyle? disableStyle,
  String? image,
  String? disableImage,
  Size? imgSize,
  BoxFit? imgFit,
  Color? bgColor,
  Color? disableBgColor,
  double? width,
  double? height,
  BtnCornerType cornerType = BtnCornerType.all,
  EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin,
  EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding,
  Duration? duration,
  Function()? onTap,
  bool enable = true,
  Stream<bool>? enableStream,
}) {
  return IDKitButton(
    title: title,
    style: style,
    disableTitle: disableTitle,
    disableStyle: disableStyle,
    image: image,
    disableImage: disableImage,
    decoration: BtnTools.getCornerDecoration(radius, cornerType, color: bgColor),
    disableDecoration: BtnTools.getCornerDecoration(radius, cornerType, color: disableBgColor),
    margin: margin,
    padding: padding,
    onTap: onTap,
    enable: enable,
    width: width,
    height: height,
    duration: duration,
    enableStream: enableStream,
    imgSize: imgSize,
    imgFit: imgFit,