
1. Briefly

This command line tool is for the convenient use and management of the resource management files of the Flutter project.

2. Instructions for use

1. Install the resource management command tool

The instructions are as follows:

$ dart pub global activate idkit_assets

If the prompt No active package idkit_assets appears,use

$ flutter pub global activate idkit_assets

to install it once.

2. Create a flutter project or a flutter package project

The instructions are as follows:

$ flutter create xx

3. Initialize project resource management

The instructions are as follows:

$ idkit_assets run


idkit_assets -r

4. Update the name of the referenced class in the project resource file

The instructions are as follows:

$ idkit_assets rename AssetsMap


$ idkit_assets -rn AssetsMap

5. Check for unused resources in the project

The instructions are as follows:

$ idkit_assets unused check


$ idkit_assets -uc

6. Remove unused resource files from project resources

The instructions are as follows:

$ idkit_assets unused remove


$ idkit_assets -ur

7. Filter resource files greater than or equal to the specified project

The instructions are as follows:

# default: 200KB
$ idkit_assets unused filter
$ idkit_assets unused filter 300


# default: 200KB
$ idkit_assets -f 200
$ idkit_assets -f 300

8. Delete the resource file of the specified path in the project

The instructions are as follows:

$ idkit_assets delete xx


$ idkit_assets -d xx

9. Get instructions for using the resource management project command tool

The instructions are as follows:

$ idkit_assets help


$ idkit_assets -h

