IdentityProvider class abstract interface

/ Authentication Provider interface

The implementor of this interface would contain the cloud service provider specific logic.



authInterceptor → Interceptor
Returns the dio.Interceptor that is used by APIs to inject the necessary auth headers for APIs that are authorized by this identity provider.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
providerEventStream Stream<ProviderEvent>
Streams events emitted by the provider to the consumers of the provider
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


confirmSignUpCode(String username, String code) Future<bool>
Confirm the registration of a particular username with the given code
confirmVerificationCodeForAttribute(String attribute, String code) Future<void>
Verifies the given attribute with the code that was sent to the user
dispose() Future<void>
Disposes the repository provider. This method should close and release any resources used by the backend services.
getLoggedInUsername() Future<String?>
Returns the username of the underlying provider's logged in session. If the provider session is logged in then the name will be 'null'.
intiatialize() Future<void>
Initializes the repository provider. This method should setup persistent connections to the backend services and initialize any resources used by the backend services.
isLoggedIn(String username) Future<bool>
Returns whether the given username is logged in. If a username is not provided then this method will return true if session is valid. This service method should also initialize the internal state with current logged in session state.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
readUser() Future<User>
Reads attributes of logged in user from the AWS Cognito backend. Returns a User object with the saved attributes of the currently logged in user.
resendSignUpCode(String username) Future<Verification>
Resend sign-up code to the given username for verification
resetPassword(String username) Future<Verification>
Initiates a password reset flow for the given username
saveUser(User user, {List<String>? attribNames}) Future<void>
Saves the user attributes to the AWS Cognito backend. If attribNames is provided then only those attributes will be saved.
sendVerificationCodeForAttribute(String attribute) Future<Verification>
Sends a verifaction code to validate the given attribute.
setupTOTP({String? appName}) Future<(String, Uri?)>
Setup Time-based One Time Password MFA for the logged in user
signIn(String username, String password) Future<AuthType>
Signs in the given username with the given password and returns the AuthType of the sign-in process.
signOut() Future<void>
Signs out the logged in user
signUp(User user, String password) Future<Verification>
Signs up the given user with the given password
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updatePassword(String username, String password, String code) Future<void>
Updates the given username's password validating the change with the given code
validateMFACode(String code) Future<AuthType>
Validates the given multi-factor authentication with the given code and returns the AuthType of the sign-in process.
validateSession() Future<bool>
The following methods apply to the currently logged in user
verifyTOTP(String code) Future<void>
Verifies the TOTP setup by validating a code generated by the token generator app with the current setup


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.