setupTOTP method

  1. @override
Future<(String, Uri?)> setupTOTP({
  1. String? appName,

Setup Time-based One Time Password MFA for the logged in user

returns the secret to be used by a token generator app like Google Authenticate app and the URI for setting up an authenticator app


Future<(String, Uri?)> setupTOTP({String? appName}) async {
  try {
    final result = await _amplifyAuth.setUpTotp();
      'Successfully set up TOTP for user: $result',

    if (appName == null) {
      return (result.sharedSecret, null);
    } else {
      return (
          appName: appName,
          accountName: await getLoggedInUsername(),
  } on aws_cognito.AuthException catch (e) {
    throw TOTPSetupException(
      message: 'Failed to setup TOTP for user',
      innerException: e,
      innerStackTrace: StackTrace.current,